Emergency Needs


MS Department of Child Protection and Services

Report child abuse; sign up to serve as a foster parent; see emergency resources for my family https://www.mdcps.ms.gov/keep-my-family-together/ 

MS Department of Health

601-576-7400  (8am-5pm) And numerous hotlines to call about  areas of Women, Infants & Children’s health, elder abuse, child care concerns, and immunizations info at https://www.msdh.ms.gov/msdhsite/_static/4,721,85.html 

MS Division of Medicaid

Free healthcare services for those that meet economic requirements for selection. Contact them for more information.

National Suicide Prevention Lifeline

24 hour service to assist anyone fighting suicidal thoughts or threats. 

Veteran’s Affairs Crisis Hotline

VA Crisis Line: 1-800-273-8255
Provides information for military families about benefits and health care programs.