Pi Day and National Children’s Craft Day Activities

Happy Pi Day AND National Children’s Craft Day! Annually, on March 14, we celebrate the mathematical constant π AND the importance of crafting with children! Did you know that crafting is good for your mental health? Crafting is a natural anti-depressant; research shows that those suffering from PTSD, anxiety disorders, depression, insomnia, and any level of chronic pain achieve a reduction in symptoms by integrating crafts into their lives. Celebrate with your children today with these fun Pi Day crafts! Click the name of the activity to be directed to full instructions.

Activity 1: Paper Pie Gift Boxes

Activity 4: Pi Day Bracelet

Activity 5: Geometric Pi Art

More Pi Day activity lists:

Pi Day Activities and Crafts Kids Will Love

14+ Ways for Kids to Celebrate Pi Day!

Kindergarten Pi Day Activities 

10 Simple Activities for Pi Day

42 Mathtastic Pi Day Activities for the Classroom