Cheryl Dexter

Cheryl Dexter has 28 years of teaching experience, primarily in early childhood education. She recently retired from Tupelo Public Schools after 14 years of teaching Pre-K. She holds a Bachelor of Science in Education with certifications in Early Childhood, Elementary, and Special Education, along with a Master’s Degree. She has been proudly married to Bob for 35 years. They share three children and two adorable dogs. Originally from outside of Vicksburg, they have called Tupelo home for 30 years. Family time at the lake and camping is her joy. 

Cheryl’s favorite educational quotes are  “Students don’t care how much you know until they know you care” – John Maxwell, and “Teachers who love teaching, teach children to love learning” – Unknown. Cheryl is excited for her new journey with the Children’s Foundation of Mississippi!

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